Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blog. 15

According to the passage “Play Time is Over” by David Elkind, many schools have eliminated recces in favor of more time for classes. He also states that schools are hiring recess coaches to guide the students free time. The consequences of these changes are that children don’t have enough free time to play and because of this the “culture of childhood” is disappearing. The passage states that the culture of childhood is the process where children learn how to interact with each other, learn what is good and bad in their own world.
Also the adaptation to these new childhood life is going to be hard for us as adults, we don’t know what is going on out there in the minds of the new young generation. I think a leader, meaning a coach will be good influence for the children. Is always good to know that there’s somebody teaching and showing the children good ways to survive and to be a better person.

I remember when I as a kid I had a free time similar to recces but in my country we used to call it “Recreational Time” sometimes we had a coach and I think when you have somebody guiding you, you become more efficient, because you are focus and you always want to win any game or any competition given by the coach, it becomes challenging. You always want the best of you and you will get it if you have someone to push you in the right direction.

When we didn’t have a coach the situation was totally different, when you are a kid and you have a lot of same age students around you many things can happen. For example, I remember one occasion when we were plying ide and sick without any supervision, the place was huge and one of my friends got lost, we were looking for hours until we decided to call his parents. They called the cops and they found him 2 miles away from us in a stranger neighborhood, it was really scary and one of the worst days only because we didn’t have an adult guiding us.

The article also states that studies have found that children who are most physically fit, tend to do good on school and I totally agreed with it , I think is very important to exercise your body and your mind in order to have a healthy and successful life

Monday, May 14, 2012

Blog. 14

Putting a price on water makes people value it more, and thus conserve it.
Everything in this life is about  money and surviving , everyday people wants to get more and more that is the reason why factories like Coca Cola, PepsiCo and many more are using us a guinea pig selling us bottles of water. A bottle of water? how come? , water is almost free in this country how can we be so ignorant and pay for it, sometimes I think we pay for it because we are lazy or we just want to skip steps like filling the bottle of water and put it on the refrigerator until gets really cold, is more easy to open up a bottle , drink it and throw it in the garbage without thinking in how bad is that for the environment 

A plastic water bottle can take up to 1000 years to degrade in landfill and if is burn in incinerators, it releases dioxins  which are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and also cause cancer.

In my family we all used to drink bottles of water until we decided to look for different ways to save money and we released that drinking tap water  “New York Water”  we can save 1000 a year and probably more because everywhere you go you order a bottle of water just to be cool.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

blog 13

The passage “Mom, Dad, Buy the Broccoli “by The New York Times ,states that the commercials selling products with high level of calories like candy and soft drinks have gotten out of control that even the food industry noticed.

Because of this, 10 companies agreed to reduce advertisement for junk foods. Their plan is to promote healthy food and a better lifestyle. To help make their achieve goal of promoting healthy food happen they formed a group called “The Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative “they are going to help these companies come up with their own rules. However, there are two fears: how clear their rules will be, and how these rules will be put in effect on its own members.

The obesity in America has become a health emergency especially for the young people, the rates of diabetes and other adult diseases are increasing like never before.  I think is time to cut break this disease and do something about it. First eliminating or replacing the vending machines in the schools will help the children with obesity problems to cut back consuming empty calories products.For example, I have a nephew that was addicted to honey buns from the vending machines. She was gaining so much weight that her parents intervene about this issue

Friday, May 4, 2012

blog 12

I think is time to improve or create a better system to control the environmental impact of animal waste because is destroying our planet