Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Blog 10

Working with a tutor was a great experience, knowing that there is somebody guiding you in the right track, gives you the necessary security and the desire to continue working on your project, also helps you find the mistakes and to better understand the most important ideas .

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Many movies these days are trying to change the way we view our life style, trying to make us believe that this is not the reality, that there is something more that we don't  know making us search for answers to those many questions that we have. In the article "red pill or blue pill: ignorance is a bliss" Chistine Cornell and Patrick Malcolmsom explain how the films Matrix and Alice in Wonderland both live in a world of illusions. For example, how Neo from the Matrix has to decide what pill to take, if he takes the red one the story ends, he will wake up on his bed and he will continue his life the way it was before and if he takes the blue one he will stay in the real world. And in Alice case she was given a magic drink and cake that will make her shrink or grow to gigantic proportions to be able to step in a different realms.

I think we have  to live the life the way it is, even with the complications and obstacles of it,  instead of looking for the truth we have to survive in this world , our world the one that we were chosen to live. I don't think is fear that everything we know and everything we did it was just part of an illusion. For example a lot of people were born rich and after a crisis they lose all their money, after that they had to adapt to the new life style another kind of life that they never knew before. My father had a friend who lost all his money and had to go to the hospital for mental help, the adaptation to the new life destroyed him.

Another example will be that first kiss, the love of you life, the person that you got married and lived for those many years, how can you survive when you lost that part of you or when you find out that was just an illusion , it will be devastating for a human being, many people lose their partners after an accident or any circumstances of life and after that surviving that moment must be painful.
Last example that moment when you have kids, when you teach them how to walk, how to talk or when you take them to the school that fist day, it will be so sad if you find out that was just you imagination, that wasn't real just another illusion, like those parents that lose their kids and never find them , how can you survive to that pain? the feelings and love will be just an illusion?.

In conclusion we have to keep evolving , evolution is an slow process but day after day  we are getting the necessary tool to keep doing the best of us.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Is education completely unnecessary to fulfill the American dream?
According to the passage "the dangers of reality TV" by Timothy Sexton, the reality television is sending a several and confusing messages to the young people by stating that reality television gives the idea that  image is more valuable than ability,  that competition is important and education is useless. 

I think the education is the key to succeed in life, because we have the ability to learn whatever we want and with a little effort we can be whoever we want.
With education you don't need to have the best body or be a super star to get a job, unless you get a job humiliating your self on national television like the reality shows this days. Everything you need you have it in you brain. Also with education you can go everywhere and you will have something interesting to say because you have learn about life and how to interact with people. For example i went to a job interview, twenty of us were waiting , i saw three beautiful girls waiting, none of us got the job except for one person with a high level of education, this remind me of the show " the bachelor " where is a men trying to find his future wife in a house full of beautiful girls, he doesn't know anything about their education level  just that they have nice body and they are pretty, i don't think beauty buys knowledge.

 Second with education you can cross obstacles , meet and help people, understand the reality of life, learn the difference between  good and bad. People without education end up on the streets probably selling or doing drugs , stealing and killing each others.
Last there is nothing more satisfactory  that know that you tried your best to become a better person and with all those sacrifices you can live your life full of knowledge. For example, my uncle die when he was thirty, he went to school to be a doctor, but he never had the opportunity to become one, at least he die happy knowing that he tried his best.
In conclusion, not everything is about the money, money doesn't buy happiness or knowledge, you need education in order to have a good future and a better quality of life.

Blog. 6

Self - Determination
Sometimes we don't know if the world that we live in is real, we don't know if the people who live in is real , who make the rules and why we have rules should be the question. If people created the rules that means they made mistakes and probably that was the best solution to have perfection in our society.
Three years ago i meet Carlo Dominguez a good friend  who came to the United States to try to get a better quality of life and also support for his family, he came with an student visa, that was the only way for him to emigrate from his homeland Costa Rica, he was going to the school but he needed money to survive, he found a job and decided to stay in the country as an illegal disobeying the law.
Laws are rules created by the people, he disobeyed the rules because the situation in his country was difficult and he thought that staying here was a hard but the right choice. He was expecting many good things to happen to his life for example  the opportunity to have the legal documentation to stay and work in the country and the opportunity to bring his family were always his goals, he knew he was doing something wrong but it was worth it.
One day when he was driving to his house a young driver passed a red light and crashed his car, it was a terrible situation because he didn't have a driver's license, he was arrested and deported back to his country, he basically lost what he earned, but he return to his family, he found a job  and his living a great life now. Did the consequences to his disobedience confirm that he made the right choice? Who knows, he didn't have the chance to obtain his goals, instead his life changed and toke a different route, life is weird and complicated.