Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blog. 6

Self - Determination
Sometimes we don't know if the world that we live in is real, we don't know if the people who live in is real , who make the rules and why we have rules should be the question. If people created the rules that means they made mistakes and probably that was the best solution to have perfection in our society.
Three years ago i meet Carlo Dominguez a good friend  who came to the United States to try to get a better quality of life and also support for his family, he came with an student visa, that was the only way for him to emigrate from his homeland Costa Rica, he was going to the school but he needed money to survive, he found a job and decided to stay in the country as an illegal disobeying the law.
Laws are rules created by the people, he disobeyed the rules because the situation in his country was difficult and he thought that staying here was a hard but the right choice. He was expecting many good things to happen to his life for example  the opportunity to have the legal documentation to stay and work in the country and the opportunity to bring his family were always his goals, he knew he was doing something wrong but it was worth it.
One day when he was driving to his house a young driver passed a red light and crashed his car, it was a terrible situation because he didn't have a driver's license, he was arrested and deported back to his country, he basically lost what he earned, but he return to his family, he found a job  and his living a great life now. Did the consequences to his disobedience confirm that he made the right choice? Who knows, he didn't have the chance to obtain his goals, instead his life changed and toke a different route, life is weird and complicated.

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